说明: 内建模块无需安装
getopt(args, shortopts, longopts = []) -> (opts, args)
说明: args为要解析的参数序列,常为sys.argv[1:],shortopts为单字符选项定义串,如果某个选项需要一个参数,响应字母后面必须有一个冒号,longopts为长格式的选项名序列,可以包含多个字符,序列元素必须包含--前缀,如果此长选项需要参数则其名应包含后缀=,而且短格式和长格式可以在调用中结合使用,最终返回一个选项元组序列opts和非选项元组序列args
1. 规范化的程序目录结构及代码风格推荐我们程序配置从外部加载,不要写死,想想运维中nginx/mysql等应用都是利用getopt解析命令行参数?
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""## Authors: limanman# OsChina: http://xmdevops.blog.51cto.com/# Purpose:#"""# 说明: 导入公共模块import osimport sysimport getoptimport ConfigParser# 说明: 导入其它模块program = __file__version = ''# 说明: 显示使用说明def show_usage_info(): message = '''%s version: %s/%sUsage: xmzoomeye-agent [-hv] [-c filename] [-l filename]Options: -h : this help -v : show version and exit -c : set running configuration file (default: docs/default.ini) -l : set logging configuration file (default: docs/logging.ini)''' % (program, program, version) print message# 说明: 检测参数指定def parameters_test(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvc:l:', []) except getopt.GetoptError, e: print '%s: %s' % (program, e) sys.exit() exit_flag = [0, 0, 0] for key, val in opts: if '-v' == key: print 'version: %s/%s' % (program, version) exit_flag[0] = 1 if '-h' == key: show_usage_info() exit_flag[0] = 1 if '-c' == key: exit_flag[1] = 1 if '-l' == key: exit_flag[2] = 1 if exit_flag[0]: sys.exit() if not all(exit_flag[1:]): print '%s: option -c/-l requires arguments' % (program,) sys.exit() return dict(opts)# 说明: 检测配置文件def configuration_test(opts): cf = {} cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() for opt, arg in opts.iteritems(): if not os.path.exists(arg): print '%s: no such config file %s' % (program, arg) sys.exit() runconfig = os.path.abspath(opts['-c']) with open(runconfig, 'r+b') as handler: cp.readfp(handler, runconfig) sections = cp.sections() if 'redis' not in sections or 'agent' not in sections: print '%s: no redis and agent section' % (program,) sys.exit() for section in sections: if section not in cf: cf.setdefault(section, {}) cf[section].update(cp.items(section)) return cfif __name__ == '__main__': pass
说明: 如上案例简单的利用getopt解析命令行参数,利用ConfigParser解析ini配置文件最终返回字典,方便主程序加载,而并没有在主程序中写死,这样更方便程序的单元测试代码编写和审查.